Tuesday 23 July 2013

Why Vintage, and Whats the Attraction?


First, just to narrow it down, vintorage is all about home decor and styling, so when I refer to 'vintage', I'm under that header...just so we are all clear....

By simple definition- 

Vintage: a period of origin or manufacture.

So obscure a definition- but there is more to it...especially when talking decor...oh darling, there is....

I guess there are some unattractive, aesthetically boring objects or rather be it stuffy or kitschy(not all kitsch is a bad thing however) from past time periods....but so much love out there too....

So why are we so 'in lerve', 'gone gaga', 'mad for', in this 'vintage revival craze' ...well if you're not... I sure am!!! But why vintage?, whats the attraction?

It still puzzles me, as to why, when I stare or place a beautifully designed, elegant, sexy or'roughed up'object,  whether it be 'shabby chic', 'vogue vintage', 'industrial vintage' or of a 'vintage style' just so...why do I or anyone else for that matter, feel such an over whelming sense of calm, peace, roundness and in general, happiness- mixed with rushes of excitement and creative mania? (I am sure I'm not alone)
Some objects/decor are a result of periods of design renaissance- built with craftsmanship, ingenuity and/or sex appeal..such as Classical, Eams and Parker eras or the revelation of design, all through the 50's and 60's, to name a few...

 others come from the age of industrialisation, merely the remnants, of 'mundane', 'useful' or just 'industry related' objects. By no means hailed as cool, urban, hip and groovy, as we may refer to them today. Despite these objects being used for the 'mundane', they were still built to last, out of strong materials, not like the 'plastic fantastic' or 'under contract' 'expiry dated' gizmos and gadgets of today...

and then, some things, have just lasted through time, suffering bangs and bumps, paint job after paint job, rejections and resurrections, character pieces- that then fall into the hands of people like me... who at that point just love them 'just way they are'...

I cannot ignore the 'contemporary modernisation' and 'contemporary modification', craze....where 'true vintage' objects either re-loved with modern twist or re-designed (as does, yours truly vintorage) also check out themonsteratno14.com.au or www.ecochic.com.au) in the style of different vintage periods... retrospective designer 'Matt Blatt' also comes to mind, with his ability to recreate retro vintage furniture...



Some pieces can stake claim to all these attributes and qualities, creating what I like to call 'uber-vintage'...

But still...why vintage.....

Is it the eclectic nature in which you can arrange a space, the freedom of being on the outer edge of design and style?

Is it that you can identify with a piece, feel its life and in some way it becomes relevant to your existence, like a reuniting of a lost appendage,or rather an extension of yourself. Once you have a collection of these things, you end up with a space intrinsically designed to represent you and your inner self, on the outer- original and unique, as we all are...

Or is it that something that has stood the test of time, that oozes the same quality and vibrancy it did when new on the showroom floor, in a by gone era?

Or maybe is it the history, the journey, the adventure, the story it holds in every dint, scratch or rusty nail....vintage is vintage all over the world, maybe  the aesthetics are different, as the culture is different in India, Russia, France, England...what travels has your vintage outer space taken and where does it take you?
One great draw card for me and something not only applicable to decor, is the fact: that when you use vintage, you are re-using and recycling, your being environmentally friendly! Due to the versatility of many objects of design, you can re-love, re-purpose and breathe new life. I believe everything we need in this world is already here. In our disposable society, we are just learning how to make do, but there is no reason why you can't be stylish at the same time, right....

If its one of these things or all of them, that stimulates your inner and outer vibe of vintage, then it answers our main question of 'why?'
and my response....'why not!', if it it fits and feels right, brings some sense of zen to your zone, why not!

Vintage is versatile, it flaunts its character, integrity, craftsmanship, design charisma, its timeless, offers solidarity, individualism to the owner and to top it all off, environmentally friendly and if that is not an attraction and a good enough reason 'why?', I don't know what is...

Welcome to the world of vintorage.....

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