Tuesday 23 July 2013

Why Vintage, and Whats the Attraction?


First, just to narrow it down, vintorage is all about home decor and styling, so when I refer to 'vintage', I'm under that header...just so we are all clear....

By simple definition- 

Vintage: a period of origin or manufacture.

So obscure a definition- but there is more to it...especially when talking decor...oh darling, there is....

I guess there are some unattractive, aesthetically boring objects or rather be it stuffy or kitschy(not all kitsch is a bad thing however) from past time periods....but so much love out there too....

So why are we so 'in lerve', 'gone gaga', 'mad for', in this 'vintage revival craze' ...well if you're not... I sure am!!! But why vintage?, whats the attraction?

It still puzzles me, as to why, when I stare or place a beautifully designed, elegant, sexy or'roughed up'object,  whether it be 'shabby chic', 'vogue vintage', 'industrial vintage' or of a 'vintage style' just so...why do I or anyone else for that matter, feel such an over whelming sense of calm, peace, roundness and in general, happiness- mixed with rushes of excitement and creative mania? (I am sure I'm not alone)
Some objects/decor are a result of periods of design renaissance- built with craftsmanship, ingenuity and/or sex appeal..such as Classical, Eams and Parker eras or the revelation of design, all through the 50's and 60's, to name a few...